Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Idol's Delight!

Every week I look forward to American Idol, and last night, definitely did not disappoint.  5 of the remaining 8 (in my opinion of course) are so amazing--all of them should be named "The Next American Idol."  Usually I am calling and voting for my favorite at this stage of the game, but I am so divided, I couldn't vote for any!!!   You know a performance is especially incredible, however, when you later go watch it on You Tube.  And that is exactly what I did with Adam Lambert's. . . twice:)    I tried to post a link to it, but apparently it has been pulled from You Tube due to copyright claims.  How ruuuude.   Hopefully you caught the live version.   


  1. Unfortunately because American Idol ran 5 minutes long last night, our DVR did not record ANY of Adam Lambert's performance! There's been a lot of outrage... and as a result, they are going to replay his performance on tonight's AI. I was however, able to find it here:

    ...since it was yanked off you tube. AMAZING. If "Glambert" doesn't win the whole thing I'll eat my hat!

  2. Cool. I knew his performance had to be found somewhere. Glad you got to see and glad we'll get to see it again tonight. If Adam keeps it up--like he does every week--you definitely will not have to eat your hat:)

  3. Ellen's sick of me saying it every week, so I'll just post it here: my early (initial tryouts) favorites are still alive! I liked Matt, Anoop and Danny a lot from the very beginning. Danny, of course, seemed like a shoo-in to go far, but Anoop and Matt may have been seen as long shots early on. Matt is kind of my Elliott Yamin for this season, who I also loved early on that season.

    I used to brag about how I could always pick who would do well on the show...until Ellen told me to can it, lol. Oh well. You and I have been in strong agreement this year (including not liking Lil much once she hit the top 12), so I guess we both could be record producers.

  4. OH BROTHER! I'd also like to note that MY early pick (from the first time I saw her) ALLISON IRAHETA is still in it! I also liked Adam Lambert from the very beginning. As for Lil... she's got ONE MORE chance to prove she can create her own identity. If she can't... she should go.

    Also, I can't believe they didn't replay Glambert's performance! I read everywhere that they were going to. Oh well... just glad I got to see it online.
