Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Keenan's New Room

I wish I had taken pictures of Keenan's room before we finally decorated it last week, but I think you can imagine how it looked before we painted the one wall and added the curtains, wall hangings and new bedding: BORING! Now it's got a little color, some fun sea patterns and a few whimsical art objects picked-up from a shop in Depoe Bay. I'd like to add a large picture above Keenan's bed, but haven't found the right one yet to fit the theme. Here are a few photos.

On the right you can see one of those aquarium sea lamps which no longer moves, but still glows and Keenan insists on having turned on every night.

Keenan happily playing in his new room which in the past could be more of a punishment than a pleasure.

This photos a little dark, but I was trying to get a shot of the full length of his room.

The bedding/window panels I found on-line. Thankfully, I'm very pleased with them.

. . .And Keenan was pleased too. Now what to do next?!


  1. Any large pictures over the bed will soon be knocked down behind the bed.
