Friday, January 30, 2009

Where Am I?

Since I'm a meanderer, like the Mississippi River, I thought we might play a little game.  I have posted ten pictures of me in different locations.  Some exotic, some far off and some familiar.  You have to match the pictures (numbers) with the locations (letters).  Answers will be given below.  Good luck!










A. Oregon Dunes B. Columbia River Gorge

C. Old Faithful Geyser D. Neahkahnie View Pt.

E. Sedona, AZ F. Balboa Park, San Diego

G. Deception Pass H. Tennesse/North Carolina  

I. Gunsight Mt. J. Building lot, Salt Creek Rd. 

Don't scroll below this line. Answers below

Answers:1 - D, 2 - I, 3 - F, 4 - J, 5 - B, 6 - H, 7 - E, 8 - A, 9 - G, 10 - C

Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 Things About Me

Following my sister-in-law's lead (and apparently Facebook's) and also because it fits well with introducing myself in my new blog, I am going to write "25 things about me":

1.  I love tennis.  I love to play it, watch it, read about it.  Before kids I used to play it for hours at a time, sometimes playing until midnight at an outdoor court.  Now I play on a city league team which I have playing on for the past 7 or 8 years.   Some still very memorable live events I got to see were the Davis Cup held in Portland in 2007 and The Pacific Life Open held near Palm Springs in 2000.   My husband probably sometimes thinks I love tennis more than him.

2.   I dread public speaking which is ironic since I lead/teach groups as a career.  

3.  I like being tall.  I couldn't always say that--you know, the insecurities of a teenager.  But, besides having a tough time finding long enough pants, I love being tall for sports (again, tennis) and the extra pounds I put on during the holidays can more easily be hidden:). 

4.  I love bread.   Sometimes I'll choose an italian restaurant over another type just because of the typically good bread.  Nothing beats a warm, delicious, hunk of bread dipped in olive oil, balsamic (if they have it) and some freshly-grated parmesan cheese.  Yummm!

5.  I like taking naps.  I miss those days. . .

6.  I like playing Halo.  I'm waiting for the day (if it ever comes) when Microsoft will allow Halo 2 to be made for the Mac.  

7.  I have 2 red-headed children which always draws some attention which is cool.  

8.  My favorite parts of the Oregonian are "Sports" and the "People" gossip-section of "How we Live."  

9.  I like to read, but there are often large gaps of time in-between each book.  Once I find a good read, however, I'll read it pretty quickly.  I loved the Twilight series--I'm all about ease of read, suspense, romance, and adventure.  

10.  Don't laugh because. . . I like the Jonas brothers.  This is one of the ways I keep "young at heart." :)

11.  I love board/card games.  Ever since I was young I have loved games.  I'm sure I used to annoy my brothers and sisters because I was always begging to play games like Monopoly or PayDay.  Now it's Settlers and our new one, Puerto Rico.   I'm just glad there are family members relatively nearby who enjoy playing games as much as I.

12.  I am quite shy.  I wish it wasn't so, but I am what I am.

13.  It took me about 10 years to graduate from college.  I probably shouldn't list this.  Not something to be too proud of.   I guess I liked college-life more than college itself.  I always got pretty good grades, but I didn't like stress and I valued free time, so most of the time I only went part-time.

14.  I always wanted to have 4 kids, enough (including mom and dad) for 3 on 3 volleyball. I'm not in good enough shape for 2 on 2, but I guess I have a few years to get ready.

15.  Am I only on 15??!!  I can't believe people write 100 things about themselves.  I guess I should steal some other people's ideas.  No. 15:  I'm not the most creative thinker.

16.  I married a good morm---I mean catholic boy.

17.  I have colored, weaved, or bleached my hair for almost 15 years now and so don't know what my current natural hair-color is.   Many years ago I had a pretty strawberry-blonde shade.

18.  I have a lot of hobbies.  Besides tennis:), I play the piano, enjoy singing, ping pong, wii, volleyball, biking, paddling, scrapbooking (though not lately), walking, growing things, games, and movies.   I like snowboarding and cross-country skiing as well, but since the kids have come, the opportunities have been infrequent.  

19.  Some hobbies I wish I had are:  cooking; knitting; interior decorating.

20.  I've traveled to places as far as Hong Kong (mission) and Israel (study abroad), but would like to travel to a far away place for the purpose of sheer enjoyment.  If I had the money I'd travel to Greece, Hawaii, France (to see the Tour de France and French Open  ((as well as they typical tourist/historical spots)), Australia, New York and D.C.    

21.  I prefer lemon over chocolate, cake and pastries over ice cream.  Joe's donuts in Sandy (Oregon) is a must-stop on the way to Mt. Hood or Bend.  

22.  I use the library like Netflix except. . . I no longer PAY to rent any movie I want to see.  I don't mind being #265 on a wait-list to see, for example, Ironman (one I missed at the theatre).  Sometimes I'll wait months, but that's okay--it's free and any way to save money in this current economy. .  :\.  

23.  Things I hate or just annoy me:  Cooking; seeing a loose dog coming toward me during a morning walk; having to see re-runs during the "winter break" of my favorite show, House; whining; cold houses (Kevin says I have to conserve since our last heating bill was way out of budget).

24.  Other things I love:  Kevin;  Molly; Keenan; family; friends; employment; a home; good food (cooked by others); lying all toasty in front of the fireplace on a sheepskin rug; Rockband; reading people's blogs; sleeping; vacations.  
25.  I have to say I have a pretty great life.  I get to stay home most of the time to take care of my two crazy, but great kids.  I get to stay involved in my chosen profession of recreation therapy.  I get to do things that make ME happy.  I have a very smart, patient and kind husband who will grocery shop, cook sometimes and do his own laundry.  I have some nice neighbors and friends, a great ward, family members who will come over for birthday party's and get together for whatever fun things we can come up with.  I have much to be grateful for and coming up with 25 things about me wasn't too difficult.  I like being me.   

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Post #2 (how original is that?!!)

I dedicate this second post to the two commentators of my first ever post.  You are the reason I am writing tonight (plus my husband pushed me to it:)).  As long as there are a few readers out there, I better write (feel free to follow my lead Ellen:))  Where should I start?  The mayor scandal?  The new Messiah-- I mean presidency?  The 9% Oregon unemployment rate?  I have an opinion on all, but will withhold until I have some faithful readers who will stick with me through agreement and disagreement.   So, let's just talk about me:).   What can I say, though?  I'm exhausted after spending 12+ hours looking after the kids?  Nothing new to all of you parents out there.  I did get in some reading time while the kids played at the local Burger King playland which was well worth the $2.00.   I wish there were more places like that--without the fast food component.    Since Kevin wasn't home tonight, I forgoed watching CSI (I'm kind-of tired of feeling sick to my stomach anyways) and did a little more reading.  I need to get out of the pattern of watching tv or dvd's after the kids go to bed.  That necessarily wouldn't be so bad except the sugary and high-fat snack foods always come out and my waistline is starting to feel it.   Kevin calls it the winter weight--you know, like pregnancy weight--except unfortunately there is no breast feeding afterwards to melt the extra pounds away.    I guess that means there will have to be more tennis--yes!  I did play in a singles match yesterday for the first time in about 5 years.  Being in the not-so-good shape I'm in, I was at least slightly hopeful when I saw that I was playing an older, slightly larger woman.  She came out firing, but after the first set (which I eeked-out winning), I could tell she was getting tired--more tired than me and I won the match 6-4, 6-2.  It actually was quite exhilarating.   Anyhow, this is sounding like a journal entry which I guess is okay because it is my blog and I'm not keeping a "regular" journal like I used to.   So. . . besides writing for my two new fans (ha ha) and my dear editor and husband, Kevin, I'm also writing for the ones I'm the biggest fan of--my two great kids, Molly and Keenan.  

Friday, January 16, 2009

Jumping on the blog bandwagon

First of all, I'm not a writer, I'm reader.  I love to read other people's blogs, but since some of my favorites haven't written lately  (hint hint Ellen:)), I'm filling up the "time" by starting a blog myself.  Don't laugh at my writing, though.  My sentences may not always make sense.  I am, however, a pretty good speller.  Just ask my 6th grade teacher Mr. Brown.  I was the 6th grade top speller.  Yes, I'm liking this blog thing already because it is a good place to brag about all of my accomplishments. ha ha, j/k.  Really I just want to show off my two wild and beautiful red-headed kiddos who entertain and exhaust me at the same time.  I guess I indirectly still want to brag :).   Well, that's enough for me tonight.  This one paragraph took too much effort.  Maybe I'll just have to post a lot of pictures and write just a little.