#1 Allow yourself to be human. It is okay to feel a full range of emotions including anger, sadness and frustration. Ignoring or repressing them will only intensify them.
#2 Take mini daily breaks, monthly breaks and vacations (for at least a week at a time) every 3 months (ideally) or so. (I've been telling Kevin for years now he needs to take "mental health" days, but he has never heeded my advice.)
#3 Stress is not the problem. The inability to recover from stress is. Exercise, deep breath/meditate, get a good night's sleep. Exercise is akin to taking an anti-depressant.
#4 Simplify, simplify, simplify.
#5 Live in the present. When you are with your loved ones, are you really there? I know I find myself thinking about all the other things I should be doing and am not just enjoying the moment.
#6 Always be grateful. Write down or verbalize 5 things to a loved one that you are grateful for (I already started this last night.)
Check out this website by the author for additional information if you are interested.
Great ideas. Thanks for sharing.