Monday, November 2, 2009

Last Birthday Before the Big 40!

A few weeks ago (Oct. 16th) I celebrated my 39th birthday. It landed on a Friday and because I had several people tell me to make it a birthday weekend, I decided to do just that! It was a fantastic birthday because I got to do nearly all of my favorite things. On Friday I woke up early and played my usual 2 hours of tennis. Then, because Kevin was home in the morning/early afternoon, I came home and planted some winter flower plants and worked in the back yard. Mom and Dad came up in the early afternoon and we played a game of Settler's before picking up the babysitter to go out to a non kid-friendly restaurant, Nickolas'. I was sad because Kevin wasn't there (working) and felt a little guilty that I left the kids at home, but knew that tomorrow (day after my birthday) planned to also be a fun-filled day.

So after eating a very large and delicious meal of warm, puffy pita bread, lentil soup, and beef shish kabobs, we headed home for donuts and ice-cream then more Settler's. We stayed up until 1:30 in the morning playing--yikes!:)

Unfortunately, the next day brought too much of a sore throat for my dad, so they headed home to Dallas (big bummer :( ). My brother Paul, wife Ellen thought the heavy rain would be too much for their newborn son (6 days old) and opted out also on the planned trip to the Hood River Festival in Parkdale. Our big plans were fizzling out, but we determinedly went as a family up to the festival and although it rained the whole time we were there, it didn't stop the kids from playing on all the outdoor toys and having a great time. We loaded up on apples, asian pears, picked a couple of pumpkins out, then traveled back home in time to have dinner with my brother and family. Kevin fulfilled my wish to have lemon meringue pie and Ellen brought over the traditional chocolate cake. Double desserts! Ellen, the magnificent seamstress, made me a fabulous "happy birthday" banner which I had seen over at her house and must have vocally coveted. You are awesome, Ellen! Here you have a 6-day old baby, yet you took the time to cut and sew a banner for me! That is kindness. Many thank you's!!! And thanks also to everyone who sent me birthday wishes via Facebook, e-mail, cards and phone calls and gave me gifts to go shopping! (Another of my favorite things to do:) It was a VERY splendid birthday.

Kyokawa Apple Orchard

Molly holding baby Cole

Ellen's "Happy Birthday" banner


  1. Two desserts and Settlers -- what could be better!

  2. What a fun birthday! Glad we could celebrate with you! That picture of Molly and Cole is great.
