After so much rain, everyone was hoping for a sunny Memorial Day as we were planning a weenie roast down at Grandma and Grandpa Compton's house. Kevin and the kids who were camping all weekend (their post to come later) met me, Paul/Ellen/Cash and Cole there in the afternoon and as good luck would have it, it turned out to be a very nice day. The kids ran around endlessly and the adults talked, lounged, and later on played Settler's. Some went over to the nearby Salt Creek Cemetery and although I forgot to give a moment of silence at 3:00 for all those who have given their lives in defending freedom, I did think of them and others I have known--both family and friends--who have passed away. A talk in church I heard the day before made me want to be more diligent in trying to educate my children on the relevancy of these holidays in their lives. They may be only 6 and 4, but so very teachable and I need to take advantage of the opportunities that arise. So what holiday is next? Father's Day? This will be an easy one for I'm sure the kids will want to honor their dad and give him all the love and special treatment that he deserves. But what about when Labor Day comes? Good thing I have a partner in the joint education of our children. . . and thank goodness for the University of Internet :)
--But back to the fun part of holidays. Here below are our picture memories of this years' Memorial Day.
Paul lounging with Cole. Paul wasn't quite hungry for dinner yet as he had just made a run to Aspenwalls for a DELICIOUS fresh strawberry shake.
This picture tells a funny story: Here we have Keenan dropping his hot dog out of his bun. He smacks the side of his head and says, "Oh no!" Molly and Cash then look down at the dog and Molly starts to laugh. What you then don't see in the picture is me picking up the dog, putting it back in Keenan's bun and saying, "3 second rule!" J/k (on saying 3 second rule ((I did put the dog back in his bun though))
I took about 10 pictures of these crazy kids and not one of them turned out with the kids all cooperating for a "nice" smile.