In August we had a nice visit from my sister Adrienne from Utah and her daughter's Emma and Anastasia. We did a lot of fun things during her time here, but I think the highlight for the cousins was just being able to play together. Adrienne forgot her camera one day so I took a few extra photos and told her I would post them. Sorry I'm a little late, but here they all are:
Cold and windy at the Otter Crest Lookout Point
Left to Right: Grandpa Compton, Keenan, Cousin Emma, Molly

Still. . . Otter Crest is our favorite beach and look how the clothes are slowly coming undone/off.

Keenan digging in the sand with Anastasia and Grandma Compton in the background

Trying to catch Anastasia with a smile

Pretty close

Now. . . all stripped down to the swimsuit and Molly looks quite happy.

Keenan deciding he wanted to taste/eat the sand

A fine reaction
Ahhh. . . happy cousins

Ana looking not quite so sure of the carousel yet
A fun visit to A.C. Gilbert Children's Museum--also part of the Salem circuit
The giant chair there is always a favorite photo op

A great place for fun and hands-on learning

Polk County Fair--also becoming an annual tradition. Sorry Adrienne, I only took 2 photos that turned out.

Thanks for coming to Oregon Adrienne! I hope you visiting will also become an annual tradition.